Your personal area to catch up and focus on your studies, away from the goblin turmoil and old magic is the Hogwarts Legacy Room of Requirement. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to access it until you reach a specified point in the main story, which takes a number of hours to complete.
An open-world action role-playing game called Hogwarts Legacy is set in the Harry Potter books’ original setting. As you explore and come across magical creatures, create potions, personalize your character, learn to cast spells, advance your skills, and become the wizard you want to be, set off on a trip through well-known and unfamiliar areas.

Go back in time to Hogwarts in the 1800s. A student named you has the answer to a long-buried mystery that could split the wizarding community in two. Develop alliances, engage in combat with Dark wizards, and ultimately decide the future of the wizarding world. What you leave behind will be your legacy. Make sure to check out the game by visiting its official website.
How to find the Hogwarts Legacy Room of Requirement?
You can only access the Room of Requirement quest after completing the Tomes and Tribulations quest, which has you assisting Richard Jackdaw. After that, the Room of Requirement, your Hogwarts Legacy broom, and access to flying classes will all become available to you. Look out for Jackdaw’s quest as a sign that you are getting close because it has just been a few hours.

How to use the Hogwarts Legacy Room of Requirement?
In Hogwarts Legacy, you must finish the task aptly titled “The Room of Requirement” in order to access the Room of Requirement. You will be shown the Room of Requirement by Professor Weasley and Deek, and they will teach you three spells that can only be used there (Evanesco, the Conjuring Spell, and the Altering Spell).
This will enable you to create different tables for creating potions, cultivating plants (including the originally elusive Hogwarts Legacy Mandrake), and other Hogwarts Legacy components that you might wish to utilize in your own Room of Requirement. Additionally, it enables you to add decorations like paintings and furniture as well as change features like the floor and walls. The Hogwarts Legacy spell slots that these abilities will occupy are valuable, so you might want to consider switching them out every time you leave the area.

You won’t need to search the corridors for the Room of Requirement once you’ve unlocked it in order to return there to check on your various projects. Open your Hogwarts Map instead, and look for a sun icon over the actual school. By pressing the “hidden chambers” marker, you can teleport directly into the room by using the Map Camber Floo Flame and the Room of Requirement markers.
If you enjoyed this article on Hogwarts Legacy Room of Requirement, why not check out some of our other guides such as the most comprehensive wand selection guide for Hogwarts Legacy, or the limited edition Hogwarts Legacy controller for PlayStation 5 just unveiled.