If the Hogwarts Legacy orb and the Pensieve Guardian are causing you any trouble, we’ll explain how to destroy them today. About halfway through your quest, you must defeat a bigger version of the statues you’ve seen during the main plot. However, its strategy for warfare (and your means of response) couldn’t be more dissimilar from that of its younger siblings. Keep reading this page to learn in detail how to complete the main mission in Hogwarts Legacy, which is to destroy the orb.

As soon as you eliminate your first Pensieve Guardian, a significant new chapter in the game will start. Without understanding how to destroy the Hogwarts Legacy orb, you won’t be able to progress with the main objective, and as a result, many of Hogwart Legacy’s spells will be hidden away. As a result, the crucial objective in Hogwarts Legacy is made more useful by providing an answer to the question of how to destroy the orb. So let’s get started with the article if you want Mr. Moon to teach you the unlocking magic.
How to destroy the Hogwarts Legacy orb and defeat the Pensieve Guardian?
The two main strategies for taking down the Pensieve Guardian are to patiently attack from a distance and to watch for openings to cast Glacio into the Guardian’s orb. Let’s have a look at how each strategy can be used.
How to destroy Pensieve Guardian’s orb?
The first of these two approaches to destroying the Hogwarts Legacy orb might be preferable because you might essentially avoid suffering any damage. It can be easily destroyed if you cast enough spells to hit the Pensieve Guardian’s orb before it reaches full charge. You won’t succeed if you cast all of your spells just before the fighting begins because the window of opportunity is quite tiny. Use your wand to gradually reduce the Guardian’s health instead of casting strong spells on the orb.

Avoid using spells like Accio in this combat since you cannot push or pull the Pensieve Guardian. Therefore, if you’re having trouble switching between load-outs in the middle of a combat, you have four choices to consider:
- Glacio
- Expelliarmus
- Confringo
- (Any)
Another option on how to destroy the Hogwarts Legacy orb offers a different alternative in addition to gradually eroding the Guardian’s health. This is to say that if you have Glacio, you can swiftly destroy the orb. The orb of the Pensieve Guardian will be easily destroyed by a single cast of Glacio, nullifying the Duelling Feat for this encounter and ensuring that you won’t be subjected to any subsequent castings of the destructive assault. If you keep Glacio close by in case the boss charges the attack again, you won’t even have to think about it. To defeat Pensieve Guardian, the formidable foe from Hogwarts Legacy, you must learn how to cast the Glacio spell, which is crucial.
How to destroy the orb in Hogwarts Legacy’s Pensieve Guardian from long range?
The only piece of advice that is absolutely necessary for understanding how to destroy the orb that Hogwarts Legacy uses to defeat the Pensieve Guardian is to be patient. With this approach, you’ll likely be at a disadvantage if you haven’t been finishing every sidequest and collecting gear. A few missed dodges could spell your demise. If you use all your Wiggenwald Potions in the combat previously, you’ll also need to play brilliantly to defeat the adversary. As a result, as you can see, it is a little tougher to avoid using the orb when facing the Guardian.

So instead of moving swiftly during combat, move gently. Keep some spells in reserve because you’ll need them to effortlessly avoid the Hogwarts Legacy orb’s damaging strike. Being precise and agile can help you evade strikes because the Guardian can’t move as rapidly with this strategy.
As you are already aware, to destroy the orb in Hogwarts Legacy, patience and taking advantage of opportunities are strongly encouraged. The Guardian can be easily defeated if you know when to attack. Visit the Hogwarts Legacy website to learn more about becoming a wizard if you’re not already one and to buy the game for any platform.
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