If you want to learn Hogwarts Legacy Dogweed and Deathcap location to buy all you need to grow things and make goods, we’ve got you covered.
Hogwarts Legacy is set in the Harry Potter books’ original setting. As you explore and come across magical creatures, create potions, personalize your character, learn to cast spells, advance your skills, and become the wizard you want to be, set off on a trip through well-known and unfamiliar areas.

Go back in time to Hogwarts in the 1800s. A student named you has the answer to a long-buried mystery that could split the wizarding community in two. Develop alliances, engage in combat with Dark wizards, and ultimately decide the future of the wizarding world. What you leave behind will be your legacy. Make sure to check out the game by visiting its official website.
You will require a wide variety of plants and seeds throughout your time playing Hogwarts Legacy in order to grow anything or just make the goods you need in the Room of Requirement.
The Hogwarts Legacy Dogweed and Deathcap shop in Hogsmeade can satisfy all of your demands. There are many weird products at this store, so it’s a good thing it’s located far from the city center in Hogwarts Legacy, far outside of Hogsmeade.

Hogwarts Legacy Dogweed and Deathcap location
In Hogwarts Legacy, Dogweed and Deathcap sells seed packets and different flower-based weapons. Therefore, you can find them here if you’re low on seeds or need to buy some consumables.
You can be sure to pick up the seeds and plants you might need for classes, crafting, and other requirements at Beatrice Green’s farm. You would be foolish to enter a battle or a class without some of the store’s clothing in your inventory because they are quite useful.
Where is Dogweed and Deathcap Hogwarts Legacy?
North of Hogsmeade, up against a sizable cliff, is where you’ll find the Hogwarts Legacy Dogweed and Deathcap shop. On the map below, it is indicated by the mushroom icon.

We hope that you enjoyed this article on Hogwarts Legacy Dogweed and Deathcap location. If you did, make sure to check out some of our articles, such as Hogwarts Legacy “Ghost of Our Love” quest explained, or how to hide your Hogwarts Legacy achievements on all platforms.